Title: The 411 on Microsoft Teams Phone
Dates: Thursday, August 12th, 2021
Time: 11:00 AM EST
Duration: 45 minutes
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What you need to know about Microsoft Teams Phone to empower your hybrid workforce to stay connected from anywhere
Now more than ever, businesses need a modern voice solution and phone system capabilities that combines unified communication and teamwork. Microsoft Teams Phone provides the features organizations need to deliver seamless, collaborative experiences for employees, business partners, and customers.
Once deployed, Microsoft Teams simplifies your enterprise voice services. However, getting there is – well, not so simple. Implementation of calling solutions can be complex, especially with so many considerations including: network readiness, PSTN connectivity options, emergency calling, device selection, and more.
With the pace of innovation within Microsoft Teams and the partner ecosystem, we know customers are challenged with deciding the best approach for their organization. Our panel of subject matter experts will cut through the noise and arm you with the knowledge and key decision criteria to help in your evaluation of Microsoft Teams Phone. From the pros and cons of Microsoft Calling Plans to the various flavors of Direct Routing and the recently announced Operator Connect, you will walk away with a better understanding of your options and their impacts on your organization across employee experience, cost, and management.
Jaime Waterfield
Chief Revenue Officer, Apex Digital Solutions
Sean Flahie
Sr. Practice Director - Microsoft, Apex Digital Solutions
Adam Ball
Co-Founder, Cloud Revolution
Joe Mauk
UCaaS/CCaaS Presales Engineer, C3 Technology Advisors
Eric Truax
Architect, Microsoft