Title: Cover Your A** from Security Breaches
Dates: Wednesdays –
May 5/May 12/May 19, 2021
Time: 11:00 AM EST
Duration: 45-minute (3-sessions)
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Learn what you need to know or have prepared before, during, and after a security breach.
Develop a deeper understanding of the considerations you should take relative to your organization’s security as well as with any third-party relationships. In this series, we will explore best practices for contracts, insurance, incident response planning, and the value of assessments along the way.
Jason Lambiris
CEO, Apex Digital Solutions
Sean Blenkhorn
Sr. Security Advisor, Apex Digital Solutions
Chris Martella
Shareholder, Kemp Klein Law Firm
Steven Legg
Co-Founder & CEO, Antigen Security
Brian Pilarski
Commercial Insurance Agent, Brown & Brown Detroit